
Expected Turn within Common European Policy in South Caucasus

Rovshan Rzayev, a deputy of Milli Maclis (National Assembly) , the deputy Chairman of Parliamentary Committee on Law Policy and State-Building. He is a member of German-Azerbaijani Inter-Parliamentary Friendship Group. - Why do you think the Parliament of Germany, central player within European arena, has adopted such a serious political-legal act firmly supporting territorial integrity of Azerbaijan? - First of all, I would like, mac, to note that principled and at the same time balanced international policy course of our country is fruitful within different arenas of international political fields.

In this sense I would like to underline the special role of Ilham Aliyev as the Head of the state. Our President demonstrates brilliant qualities of a politician, possessing deep knowledge, wizard diplomatic skills and intuition. The Leader of Azerbaijan is a very far-seeing conceptualist, able to define strategic objectives of Azerbaijani state within international arena. As for Resolution, adopted by German Parliament, it was a result of sovereign will of German delegates understanding the situation.

Azerbaijani-German Inter-Parliamentary Friendship Group has been operating for a long time. Within this group, members of Azerbaijani Parliament inform their German colleagues about political, economic and social-cultural processes in our country. And naturally, this Inter-Parliamentary arena is efficiently used to notify the political elite of Germany about peaceful Azerbaijani position on Nagorno Karabakh conflict regulation. > Nagorno-Karabakh Map ...Already in the end of the XIXth century the Government of Germany monitored thoroughly economic, political, national-cultural processes within South Caucasus, and in Azerbaijan particularly.

Moreover, this European power not only observed the events and phenomena of the region, but successfully strived to spread its economic, political and cultural influence within Azerbaijan, promoting modernization of the country. Germany still preserves its principles of a leading European state that is ready to share with its economic resources for the sake of social prosperity and democracy with Post-Soviet states, institutional practice. Current dynamic German-Azerbaijani relations prove this fact perfectly.

.. - Could you please assess political and legal aspects of the Resolution adopted? - I will dwell on one of the clauses that enact the Federal German Government to “mobilize all efforts for the Parties to accomplish all resolutions of the UNO Security Council, Council of Europe on Nagorno Karabakh conflict. And these resolutions as known qualify the events happened in Nagorno Karabakh region of Azerbaijan as the occupation of Azerbaijani territory and demand for the aggressor to free captured Azerbaijani lands unconditionally and immediately”.

The unconditional territorial integrity of Azerbaijan is the main subject of the resolution of German Federal Republic Parliament. In this document Bundestag expressed the same principle position on the issue of unwilling migrants, demanding immediate creation of the conditions for their return home. Noteworthy, that Bundestag adopted this resolution by a solid vote of the representatives of all political spectrum of Germany, including ruling party and parliamentary opposition. As a matter of fact, the debates on the resolution project were intensive and included vivid speeches.

For example, the delegate from the Party of Liberal Democrats of Germany Michael Link stated openly about occupation of 20% Azerbaijani territory by Armenia. He characterized this fact as an unacceptable phenomenon greatly contradicting to the standards and principles of international law. It’s noteworthy, that facts and assessments sounded by Link were so fairly and convincingly referred to the fundamentals of common European security that his speech was welcomed with applause, the same as the speech of Christian Democrat Eduard Lintner.

The both speakers claimed that the peaceful regulation of the conflict is only possible on the ground of territorial integrity and sovereignty of Azerbaijan. I would also note the speeches of the Greens representative Rainder Steenblock and the head of German-Caucasian Inter-Parliamentary Friendship Group Steffan Reiche, who dwelled on vital importance of immediate liberation of occupied Azerbaijani territories… - What are potential political and legal Bundestag resolutions consequences in practice? - Without exaggeration we can hope for this resolution to mark a turning point within common European policy towards South Caucasian conflicts, particularly towards Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict.

I’m grounding my view on the fact that positions of Germany within common European arena are able to define the common vector of foreign European policy. I.e. that Parliaments of other states will ground on objective unbiased position of Bundestag. And primarily, I’m talking about the members of the Minsk OSCE Group. I really hope that joint efforts of all European Community will be able to settle Nagorno Karabakh conflict peacefully, preserving the principles of territorial integrity of sovereign states and democratic standards.

> Caucasus Map This will be a historic precedent, capable to establish peace even within other conflict zones of the world. And within a short-term prospect we should consider that the German Federal Republic is a Parliamentary Republic despite the existence of Presidential practice. It means that the adopted Resolution will be a conceptual political directive for current and future federal authorities, and German ministers will follow this directive with German thoroughness and precision.

Summarizing my reply I’d like to underline that the kind of achievements, resulting from a complex of political and diplomatic measures, slowly but firmly will draw Azerbaijan to peaceful and fair settlement of Karabakh conflict… Get more iinformation